Don’t Dismiss the Value of Journaling

We live in a much different world than we did 20+ years ago. Back then, the idea of journaling immediately brought up images of sticker-covered notebooks and tiny locks that broke if you just looked at them wrong with keys that disappeared the second you bought it. Journaling was for girls, especially young girls or lovelorn women in sappy romance …

Trust vs Like: Which is More Important in Sales?

Google “likability in sales,”. You’re going to find a bunch of articles listing all the ways you can be more likable. Or finding that magic recipe for the “likability factor.”  You’ll also see more than a few articles telling you not to worry about being likable in sales at all. So is it really as important as we think?  In …

The Benefits and Dangers of Autopilot

2020, surprisingly, has come with more benefits than I would have thought given the general awfulness of this year.  One of the biggest benefits that I’ve learned and am trying so very hard to incorporate into my workday is to s l o w  d o w n.  As an entrepreneur, putting tasks on autopilot makes slowing down even easier. …

How Your Attachments Hurt Sales Conversations

We, as humans, have trouble letting go of things.  We still think about a favorite toy from childhood from time to time. We still miss an ex from years ago occasionally, or even just wonder what they’re doing long after they’ve probably forgotten about us. For the majority of us, we hold on to the things that are or have …

Preparation is Better Than Luck in Sales

One of my favorite sayings is, “Luck favors the prepared.” I played poker for a long time, both for fun and professionally. And sure, there’s luck involved. But it’s more about statistics and psychology than the “luck of the draw.” That’s why being prepared by knowing the math, learning about people’s typical actions and tells, and things like that are …

Why You Should Always Go for the No

In one of my earlier posts about the differences between having a Limitation vs Abundance Mindset, I opened a can of worms on another subject that can be quite divided and difficult to wrap your head around. I talked about ‘going for the no.’ If you’ve never heard of it, (I always assume people have, but I’m probably wrong), you …

How My COVID Beard Made Me a Better Person

Obviously, 2020 has sucked so far.  And while I haven’t had it nearly as bad as others, I’ve struggled too. But these struggles have led to some eye-opening realizations about myself, so there’s been some major silver lining for me.  Which leads me to my brand new beard. This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but …

Get Your Time Back Through Delegation

Let’s face it, us entrepreneurs are classic time abusers.  We were able to start a company, get it up and running, and (hopefully!) turn a profit. And many of us did it pretty much on our own.  So we just keep doing stuff on our own. But you know what, we waste so much time this way! We get lost …

Commission-only Pay Structures Suck

In my business, I talk to a lot of sales managers and business owners, and a fair amount of salespeople. One of the things I am always interested in is how they, (or the company they work for), hire salespeople and what their expectations are for their sales team.   One of the things that is discussed over and over again …

What Makes a Great Sales Manager?

While talking to a friend of mine about our usual stuff, (mostly accountability check-ins), we shifted to talking about sales managers.  I don’t even remember how we got on the subject, but it turns out that we had pretty different ideas of how a sales manager becomes successful.   His concern was that his sales manager was always out of the …