Goal setting and experiments vs. Resolutions

“Dad, what are resolutions?” my daughter Alice asked in the car the other day. I was off last week with my daughter since she was out of school. We were running an errand when a friend called and I answered on speakerphone. He has some resolutions for his personal life and his business so we talked about those. I offered …

How we learn and how to achieve mastery

There is a lot of focus on learning and improving in the circles that I run in.  Many people want to learn something and move onto the next thing, leaving a lot of opportunity available for people who really want to focus and learn something to the point of mastery.  If you want to be the best at something, it …

Why short-term thinking hurts you

I talk with a lot of people who get frustrated when things don’t happen immediately.  They are so focused on the short-term and don’t have any trust for the process.  You can try to force everyone to work on your schedule, but that will lead to burning a lot of bridges with potential clients and networking partners.  Instead we should …

Don’t Be Results Oriented

If I could buy a billboard and put one thing on it, it would be this: “Don’t Focus on Results” With so much in this world that we can’t control, why do we put so much emphasis just on the end product? What do I mean by being too focused on results? Here are the kinds of self-defeating, results-focused statements …

Saying No Will Help You Crush Your Goals

If you are running a new business, you’re a freelancer, or you’re a salesperson, it can be very hard to tell people no. You might feel obligated to take a project on because of how an email is worded, or because you think that you’ll earn future business if you do this one last task for free. Look at all …

Personal Development In Conversation

If you are trying to become a high performer— and who isn’t? — it’s going to take some hard work and a lot of reinforcement. If we are going to put in the work, we want the results to stick, right?  Personal development is a long game and the results take time to start to show.  There are plenty of …

Find a Niche and Stay in Your Lane

So I have been thinking a lot about my site and what I want to do with it.  The entrepreneur wants to make money off of it, the teacher in me wants to teach people to be better without charging anything for it. Part of this comes from mental hangups about personal value: “who wants to learn anything from me?” …

Welcome, enjoy the ride

I have a long list of things I am passionate about. I am going to put them here along with some challenges, and you can keep up with my efforts to take deep dives into topics and learn enough about them to teach them to someone else somewhat intelligently.